Last week I was forced to visit a government clinic because I have finally received the following notification.
Do I even look army material? No. Plus I have joint and stomach issues so obviously I am not. I went to the clinic near Lake Garden called Klinik Kesihatan Tanglin for a check up so I can be excused from the army for the rest of my life. Got there at 9am and while waiting for the clinic to open, me and my mom chatted with an ex-principal who sat next to us. She was really nice.
The nurses in the clinic were all really nice and friendly. However when it came to the nurse and doctor from Room 8, not so much. The nurse practically yelled at me when I put my info form with a few missing details into the box. It was my first time there and I did not know what I had to do. So after filling everything in she called me into the room.
The doctor I saw was a Chinese lady doctor who looked pretty young. My guess is she just started working not long ago because she seemed so inexperienced. The first thing she had to comment on when I walked in was about my hair, "Wow your hair, so 'yeah' huh? Is that why you don't want to get into the army?" Bitch please, can you not read the letter from my knee surgeon about my health issue? It is NOT about my hair. When my mom explained to her about my knee issues she said "She's fine what, can walk, can wear high heel." Yes, she never pronounced the "S" and no, they were not heels, they were 2" wedges which do not effect my knees at all. When my mom asked her about this thing that showed up in my blood test she did not even bother to explain, all she said was "Oh, it's nothing." What the hell, I could be dying and you would not even know! Then my mom told her about how I have to continuously check up on my other knee since it is at risk of dislocating as well. She asked for the appointment card which did not write my next check up date and she was all "Then that means she doesn't need to go anymore". When we explained to her that the surgeon said to call again next time for the appointment she did not believe us. In the end she was forced to fill in the form to not let me go, she said "Since you have a letter I have no choice but to approve it". Why the heck was she so unwilling? She even said "If they call me up I can't help you, it is my first time dealing with someone who was unfit for the army". Seriously, Doc, you need to take the bitch medicine to calm the heck down and you should go back to medical school. Before I left she even said that I had a urine infection and told me to go take another urine test at another clinic. When my mom asked her if she could prescribe any medication she said no. Excuse me, is it not YOUR job as a DOCTOR to be sure of what I have and to treat me if there is something wrong with me? Your job requires you to deal with patients nicely and to treat them and you suck at those. Seriously, RESIGN.
Later in the evening after I submitted the doctor's form to the PLKN office, my mom brought me to another private clinic for another urine test. Turns out I was perfectly fine and healthy. When my mom told this doctor about what happened with the bitch doctor at the government clinic and how she refused to prescribe me anything, the doctor shook her head. See, that bitch is a friggin disgrace. I cannot be bothered with lodging a complaint, I am going to wait for that bitch to piss more people off until all that bad karma strikes her all at once.
Thinking back about that incident still makes my blood boil. I swear I am never going to a government medical center ever again.
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