Tuesday, October 2, 2012

My GACKT Fandom

Gackt is a very famous JRock/JPop musician. He's the former vocalist of Malice Mizer and started his solo career in 1995. I you want to know more, please Google him and you will know more and it will hit you how famous he really is.

I have been a huge Gackt fan since I was at the age of 4. It all started when my brother who is 12 years older but I am no longer in good terms with was in his JRock phase at that time. He used to listen to Japanese music really loudly everyday and he always played Gackt's debut song "Mizerables" which can be heard below.

My brother was also a big Gackt fan back then. Eventually I came to LOVE that song to the point I was eager to hear my brother play it on his loud radio. What stood out to me most was actually his voice, I love his voice immensely. He also played various other songs which I also fell in love with because I recognized the voice in those songs. My brother also owns 2 posters of Gackt that is still in the back of his wardrobe door that I am eager to tear out and claim as my own. Proof:

Actually tearing them out will be quite a task since they've been there for years now. Anyways, Gackt's songs were unlike any I have heard on the radio. I then discovered that the songs which I loved were sang by the man in THAT poster! I then fell even more in love with him because he was what I naturally presumed as "really handsome" and since then my taste in music and my taste in men have been heavily influenced by Gackt-sama.

Hence the reason why the music they play on the radio nowadays make my ears bleed and why I have always been single.

When I was 12 and started discovering Google and Youtube, I saw Gackt on Animax (I no longer watch Animax) and he was performing "Returner" which you can listen to by clicking the video above. I fell in love with him all over again because that was the first time I heard him sing a live performance. It was also a relatively "new" song to me because until that time I only listened to the older Gackt songs. Then it struck me that I could use the internet as a way to find out more about Gackt.

I now know every single Gackt song that has ever been released the recent single being "Graffiti" which is above, read a translated version of his biography that's titled "Jihaku", watched *most* of the commercials he appeared in via Youtube, has a whole file filled with Gackt's pictures, following him on Twitter and know many random facts about Gackt i.e. what kind of underwear he prefers to wear. Unfortunately I am not a part of his official fanclub "Dears" because the registration is all in Japanese and I have still not yet mastered the language.

Fun Gackt facts that I thought I should share: Gackt is also Genesis in Final Fantasy Crisis Core and his song "Redemption" is for the game. He starred in Moon Child alongside with Hyde, guitarist of L'Arc en Ciel and Wang Lee Hom. He knows Japanese, Mandarin and English. He stars in the movie "Bunraku". He is MEGA HOT AND SEXY AND FUNNY AND HAS PERFECT TEETH! Here's one of Gackt's ever so cute/funny commercials: 

Yes, I do have the candy that he's advertising for in that commercial. My favorite flavor is the honey lemon flavor which coincidentally is the flavor Gackt's always eating in all e-ma commercials. One warning though, they can be really sour so don't put more than 1 into your mouth. Anyways, no matter how many other artists I come to love and no matter how crazy I seem about the current love, my number one will always be GACKT.

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