It's been ages since I've written anything and a lot of you have probably forgotten about me already. To summarize, I've been distracted.
I've been having a lot of personal struggles keeping up with life. I haven't been a very chipper person since the last time I wrote anything. But honestly I miss blogging. I miss writing my thoughts out.
So I'm going to restart everything. In a week I'm going to delete a lot of my old posts and change the domain name. Why? I've changed quite a bit since the last time I shared anything here.
First of all, I've changed my online persona to Leeca Porcelaine. It just represents me more right now. I'm also going to go a little less detailed into my personal life from now on. Perhaps in time that might change but I just don't feel like opening up too much anymore. You can follow me on my Instagram and Facebook to keep up with my life more frequently instead. Announcement of the new domain name will be there too.
To recap, I graduated from Diploma and am already in the last year of my Degree at a different institute. My hair is still pink, just a more purple tone now and I'm keeping it at a medium length cause I've gotten tired of the mermaid long length. I've been through some crazy things, hopefully I can get myself to write about some of them. I'm currently at that point in life where I have to take things more seriously, but I'm still at a loss at what to do for my future.
How I look like recently |
I'll be starting a segment here called Night Rambles where I will talk about more personal feelings and thoughts. Feel free to close the tab if you're not interested. Anyways, I'm excited to share more and I hope you are too.
Thank you~